Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Post#9 @Transactional

As mentioned in my last post, I've decided to take a break and do some clean up. There are 2 things I'm targeting for now.
- Transaction Management using Spring Annotation @Transactional.
- Exception Management. I'm thinking of doing exception management using Spring AOP.

I spent whole day yesterday trying to set up Spring Transaction Management. And what a hair puller it turned out to be. I thought I've grown wiser and better with previous 3 months of experience, but no. I made the same mistakes (spelling mistakes), just like my daughter does.

It was not that easy either. Got a lot of learning on setting up spring too. Like, you can't @Autowired a class if you use @Transactional because spring creates its own proxies. I must credit myself to be able to get to that point. That's not the most obvious piece.

There were other contentious issues too. I've been using jndi based datasource. I really could not set that up for use, so I fell back to org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource instead. I also realized, I had set up beans in multiple contexts. A lot of clean up is needed. Perhaps between now and end of September, I'll get these things sorted out. Further development such as reports and budgets will have to wait till Oct.

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