Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Post #19 Profile Done

Of the list a few more are ticked off.

I also need some static content such as About us(me). Terms and conditions. Thats a must do item. I do not know how to do it without giving my identity away.Then Contact us etc. I also need to update the FAQ. Have done some good work in the direction but still a long way to go.

Remember me 
- Redirecting to requested resource after log in instead of standard landing page

- Redirecting remember me user to a standard page
- Redirecting based on device (mobile vs desktop)

  • - I've found out how to do it, using Spring. The question is how to handle it. I could for example redirect to a subdomain or I could redirect to a url such as /m. Neither of these work for me as a lot of my calls are ajax and if I change the url etc. I'm not able to process the request using the same controller method. Spring says I can handle multiple URLs using same controller method, but its not working for me. 

I'll have to find a better way to make it work for my site.

- Cash Txn Widget
- Adding Date to Cash Txn
- Distinction between one  time cash txn vs recurring cash txn
- Change Pwd/Forget Password
- Email notifications

  • eEmail. The problem is with AWS not allowing me to send emails from the domain name. I do not have an active email account for my domain. I'll have to but email service. Right now, I'm not in a mood to splurge a lot of money. This will have to wait.  
  • Another option is to send out emails using my gmail account or create a temporary account on gmail to send out emails. This will work but is inelegent. 
- View Split Transactions

  • I'll finish this off by end of the Feb. This is useful. I also had to fix a this functionality. When loading statements, the algorithm was unable to figure out split txns and hence loading duplicate copies. Took a long time to fix it but now its done. View Split Txn is the next logical step.
- Elegant impl of labels vs the rest
- Alerts
- Mobile interface to capture cash txn
- Mobile interface to view performance against budgets
- Mobile interface to view savings
- Enhance Help
- Redo the Navigation

Up Next: 
- View Split Txn
- Redirection based on device
- Change PWD/Forget Pwd
- Email notifications
- Profile Mgt (new one)

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