I read about CK Prahalad's vision for India to build 500 new cities to accommodate migrating population on rediff. I could not agree more. In fact I've been thinking about it for some years now. Thats what we need to do. Build cities from scratch. Perhaps all district centers should be planned to accommodate upto 1 million people. That way we can move rural people to city centers and move away from agrarian society to manufacturing based society.
This led me to drive down to the local library and bring back the book Profits at The Bottom of the Pyramid.
I'm yet to start the book but I'm pretty excited about it. Long ago when I was doing my MBA, I did my summer project in the wilderness of MP (Dhar and Obedullahgunj) that's where I first formed the thought of the concept. To have sustainable progress, it has to be profitable rather than charitable.
Its good to know that someone like C K Prahalad thinks the same.
Can't wait to start the book.